Gurugram Global Heights School

International Dimension

International Dimension


GGHS, Gurugram, leaves no stone unturned in nurturing global students. Generation Global is the Tony Blair Institute’s global citizenship education program for young people aged 13 to 17, enabling them to embrace the future equipped with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to become active and open-minded global citizens.

In today’s rapidly evolving world driven by technology and human interaction, it’s imperative that our educational approach transcends traditional curriculum specifications. This involves exposing students to real-world challenges beyond the classroom, testing their abilities and readiness for the future. For the holistic growth of the next generation, we have collaborated with the international organization Generation Global to equip students to navigate unforeseen challenges. As the saying goes, “Success is not about predicting the future, but preparing for it.” GGHS empowers students by exposing them to international arenas, ensuring that they emerge as resilient and adaptable leaders in tomorrow’s world.